About Greytouch Partners
The principles and values upon which Greytouch Partners was founded is based upon a desire to provide a single point of reference in a client’s journey.
Whatever your challenges, whatever your requirements – we believe that Greytouch Partners has options for you.
We have spent years developing Trusted Relationships and Partnerships which we truly believe will add value to your journey and further your goals.
Greytouch Partners is a Brand synonymous with Value, Trust and Fairness.
Who are our Clients?
Our clients are typically Owner Managed Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Artists and Sports Professionals.
How do we assist our Clients ?
Our unique approach enables us to tailor our services to your specific requirements. Whether you want just the bare minimum of services or a comprehensive Hand-Holding service, our experienced Team and Trusted Partners are fully versed to assist you.

In summary, we are a Full Concierge Service – a true Single Point of Reference.
Geographic Reach
We currently only operate in the United Kingdom. However we can act for UK based clients who deal internationally.
Single Point of Reference & Areas of Service
We are positioned to be a “Single Point of Reference” for any challenges or requirements you have in your Journey.
Areas where we can typically assist a client include the following:
- Provision of an In-House Accounting & Compliance service – we can implement systems of reporting of Key Management Information required to run and grow your business
- Preparation and filing of Statutory Accounts and Tax Returns – for your business and also your personal filings
- Corporate and Personal Tax preparation and filing service
- Business Planning and Cashflow Forecasting
- Fund Raising
- Review of your IT and Software systems to ensure fit for purpose
- Product & Service sourcing and evaluation – we take the time to understand your business so that we are able to provide just the right fit for you. With our extensive Trusted Partner Network, we can reduce the time and resources it takes to find the most suitable product or service for you.
- If you are a business that is subject to an Audit, we can provide an effective interface with your Auditors.
- Our extensive experience in dealing with Legal professions enables us to provide the right fit for any legal challenges you may face.
- Business Acquisition or Sale
Feel Free To Contact Us
We’re here to help you to finding a best way