Specialist Services

Capital & Funding

Capital & Funding

We can advise clients on the most appropriate source of funding for their business and how to access the capital they need.

Our services include:

  • Helping to design the financial structure for your business
  • Assisting in the production your business plans, cashflow forecasting and accounts
  • Introducing you to potential sources of funding via our contacts
  • Assisting with negotiations and project managing the fundraising of your capital
Director Disqualification

Director Disqualification

If you have been a director of a company or involved in the management of a company (even though not an appointed director), you are potentially in the firing line for getting disqualified.

The grounds for the disqualification of a director comprise, inter alia:

  • Wrongful trading e.g. trading whilst insolvent
  • Unfit conduct, for example not preparing or maintaining adequate accounting records
  • Not paying monies properly due to HMRC
  • Removing company assets out of the reach of creditors
  • Failing to protect deposit monies provided by customers for goods/services to be provided

If these apply to you or you are being threatened with director disqualification, we can offer expert advice and help to address the allegations brought against you.

Dispute Resolution and Divorce

Dispute Resolution and Divorce

We will work with clients and their legal teams to address financial, accounting and economic issues throughout their dispute/ divorce battles.

Our services include:

  • Providing professional valuations of matrimonial or joint assets
  • Advising on the tax implications on the disposal of these assets

Tracing hidden assets and achieving full financial disclosure

Sports Management

Sports Management

We understand your focus on the field is of the upmost importance, that’s why we are here to provide financial and advisory services and ease the pressure off the field.

We will provide experience, knowledge and our expertise in advising and assisting clients with their financial aspects and help them to achieve the most profitable career for them.

As well as the standard accounting and tax services we also offer:

  • Tax implications of contracts including merchandising or sponsorship deals
  • Audit of royalty and profit share payments
  • Personal financial management
  • Cash flow monitoring
Business Acquisition or Sale

Business Acquisition or Sale

If you are looking to sell your business or alternatively looking to buy a business, we have the necessary expertise to deal with the entire process from start to finish.

Legal Support Services

Legal Support Services

There may be occasions when you simply do not have the funds to defend yourself or pursue a claim.

We will review your case and provide a solution that works.  We have an extensive network of legal partners who work with us.

Some of the issues we will help you to consider include:

  • Passing on your business to family members
  • Selling your share to your co-owners or partners
  • Selling your business to some or all of the workforce
  • Selling the business to a third party
  • Public flotation or sale to a public company
  • Minimising your tax liability
  • What you will do when you no longer own the business
  • Help with any Insolvency issues pertaining to your business
Exit Strategies

Exit Strategies

Choosing how and when to leave your business can be a tough decision. Hopefully you are exiting at a time when your business is doing well and is financially stable.  However sometimes exit is enforced upon you primarily as a result of financial difficulties.


Public Sector

Charities & Voluntary Organisations

Charities and voluntary organisations are subject to specific legal, accounting and taxation regulations that are constantly changing. We are here to offer advice and guide you on all matters concerning your charity/voluntary organisation. These include:

  • Accounting services
  • Independent examination of charity accounts
  • Charity taxation services including Gift Aid
  • Incorporation and Registration of Charities
  • Operational Structure
  • Trustees’ responsibilities e.g. annual report
  • Bookkeeping
  • Payroll & VAT
  • Budgeting and cash flow forecasting/ guidance on charity funding

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